Unusual times call for unusual solutions for concerned mortgage borrowers and the return of the buyers’ market

Monty & Lou try to make some sense of the fast-moving changes in the mortgage and property world, dishing out their own blend of straight-talking advice for concerned borrowers, looking at where mortgage rates are now as well as posing the question, is it now a buyers market?
Monty and Lou talk about the fast-moving changes to mortgage products and rates in the two weeks since the ‘mini budget’ and Monty shares his advice for concerned borrowers (no squeaky chair this time!).  

Lou, meanwhile, is not wearing any form of Star-Wars-themed outfit (all explained in the previous episode…) but does talk listeners through her take on the pre-Christmas property market and provides her top tips for those buying at the moment, as well as sharing the details of a little-known policy to help those who are moving potentially save thousands in the event that their transaction falls through.  
Do you need Lou and Monty’s expert advice?  Drop them a line at hello@theproperty-show.co.uk or for the latest news, follow them on Twitter:  The Property Show @propertyshowpod  Lou @louisfletcher  Monty @montysblog 

Creators and Guests

Andrew Montlake
Andrew Montlake
MD, Brand Evangelist, Spokesperson @Coreco Monty's Blog: Mortgages, PropertyAwards: Business Leader, Mortgage Personality, Spokesperson, Strategist, Marketeer
Louisa Fletcher
Louisa Fletcher
Property, proptech and finance geek. Author of 'Property Uncovered'. Been in the industry 20+ years. Property Expert with the Express. All views my own.
Guy Kilty
Guy Kilty
Audiophile. Podcasts @dapdippods @POF_POD @SMTM_podcast @culturalapppod. Music @theexacters @DojoCuts @_skymarshals. @britpodawards judge @ArtsEmergency mentor.
Unusual times call for unusual solutions for concerned mortgage borrowers and the return of the buyers’ market
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